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PTL abbr.
environ. Themenspezifische PHARE-Kontaktstellen
environ., engl. Phare Topic Links
 English thesaurus
PTL abbr.
abbr. Part Time Lover; Pass The Lube; Pay The Lady; pintle; Potential To Learn; Power Transmission Line; Practicing The Language; Pre Term Labor; Program Team Leader; Small Torpedo Boat; pressure, torque or load
abbr., avia. Predicted Track Line; part tool list; planning test list; project technical lead; purchased tool
abbr., commer. private tieline service
abbr., earth.sc. panel thermal loading; photothermoluminescence; pressure,torque, and load
abbr., ed. Parent Teacher League
abbr., el. parameter table load; part type library; phase tracking loop; photostimulated thermoluminescence; Process Technology Ltd.; pulse transmission logic
abbr., file.ext. Petal (Rational Rose 98); Process and Test Language
abbr., med. Product Team Leader (Должность в EMA peregrin)
abbr., mil., avia. patrol
abbr., O&G production technical limits (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. production technical limit
abbr., oil production logs (MichaelBurov); production technical limits (serz); periodic thin-layer; pressure time low
abbr., pharm. potenline
abbr., relig. Pass The Loot; Praise The Lord
abbr., space primary technical leaflet
int.transport. partial total loss
mil. primary target line
tech. People that Love; Pittsburgh testing laboratory
ptl abbr.
abbr. patrolman
Ptl abbr.
abbr. Patrol
PtL abbr.
O&G, sakh. Producing the Limit (Sakhalin Energy)