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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
pharma. technische Richtkonzentration
pel n
comp. Pixel n; Bildpunkt m; Bildelement n
comp., MS Pixel n (The smallest element used to form the composition of an image on a computer monitor. Computer monitors display images by drawing thousands of very small pixels arranged in columns and rows)
microel. Pixel n (s.a. pixel)
 English thesaurus
PEL abbr.
abbr. Postgraduate Education Loans; Pre-Enrolment Learning (Anglophile)
abbr., AI. logical picture element
abbr., avia. Pelaneng, Lesotho; purchased equipment list
abbr., comp.name. Pakistan Exploration, Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. pelletoid; Physics and Engineering Laboratory
abbr., ed., scient. Post-graduate Education Loan; Program for Experienced Learners; Protocol Engineering Laboratory
abbr., el. parameter element list; parameter extraction language; phase-shifter edge line masked method; photoelectroluminescence; prebreakdown electroluminescence; protocol element; pulse expansion line
abbr., electr.eng. percentage energy loss index
abbr., inet. Personalized Email Letterhead
abbr., med. Primary Effusion Lymphoma; primary effusion lymphoma (Игорь_2006)
abbr., mil., avia. personnel licensing
abbr., mil., WMD permissible emission limit
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Permissible Exposure Limits; permissible exposure limits
abbr., O&G, sakh. permissible explosive limit; probable effect level
abbr., oil petroleum exploration licenses
abbr., phys. photo-electroluminescence
abbr., physiol., med. PELlet
abbr., rem.sens. picture element
abbr., scottish Portable Event Logger
abbr., space percentage energy loss; photoelectron layer; powder electroluminescence
abbr., sport. prime event limitation
abbr., therm.energ. permissible exposure limi (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., tradem. Professional Employee Leasing, Inc.; Purple Emu, LTD.
mil. permissible exposure limit; personnel licensing
tech. power electronics; preliminary event list
telecom., abbr. Picture Element
pel abbr.
abbr., busin. petroleum
abbr., el. picture element; pixel
met. proportional elastic limit
Pel abbr.
abbr. pellet; pelleted
abbr., oil Pelsonian
O&G pell or PELL
pel. abbr.
abbr. picture element
econ. parcel (Seregaboss)
PEL abbr.
abbr., oncol. pure erythroid leukemia (Весельчак У)
: 49 phrases in 10 subjects
Electric machinery1
Health care9
Information technology10
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1