
   English German
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gen. Nizza; Nizza
gen. angenehm; fein; lieb
tech. gut; schön
gen. netter; schöner
| Ass
mamm. Esel

noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
nice [niːs] n
gen. angenehm; fein; lieb
tech. gut; schön
Nice [niːs] n
gen. Nizza Stadt in Frankreich (town in France); Nizza n (Nicaea)
nice [naɪs] adj.
gen. freundlich; hübsch; nett; gemütlich; gewissenhaft; pünktlich; schnuckelig ugs. : nett
tech. niedlich; sympathisch
nicest adj.
gen. netteste; am nettesten
nicer adj.
gen. netter; schöner
nice archaic [naɪs] adj.
gen. sorgfältig
nice fastidious [naɪs] adj.
gen. wählerisch
nice refined [naɪs] adj.
gen. gesittet
nice socially correct [naɪs] adj.
gen. wohlerzogen
 English thesaurus
NICE [naɪs] abbr.
abbr. N I C E Systems, LTD.; Never Include County England; Novell Internet Connection Expert; Network Information and Control Exchange (DECnet)
abbr., comp., net. Natural Interface for Computing Environment
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Integrated Computing Environment
abbr., ed. Niagara Interactive Children's Education
abbr., el. network information and command exchange protocol; network integration consultation environment; normal IO control executive; normal input/output control environment
abbr., health. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Национальный институт здоровья и клинического совершенствования Великобритании ortena)
abbr., inet. Network Interface For Cultural Exchange
abbr., med. National Institute For Health And Clinical Excellence; National Institute Of Clinical Examiners; Nationwide Instruction for Cardiovascular Education
abbr., mil., avia. NASDA Inertial Guidance and Control Equipment
abbr., physiol., med. National Intensive Care Evaluation
abbr., vet.med., med. National Institute for Clinical Excellence
Nice [niːs] n
textile, abbr. N
NICE [naɪs] abbr.
abbr., comp., net. network intelligence capabilities enhancement
abbr., earth.sc. National Institute of Ceramic Engineers
abbr., space normal input/output control executive
Nice: 65 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Foreign trade1