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 English thesaurus
nts. abbr.
abbr., econ. notes
NT abbr.
abbr. night telegram
abbr., busin. net; new terms; not; note
abbr., commer. New Taiwan Dollar
abbr., earth.sc. National Treatment Principe; national trust; neutron
abbr., econ. national treatment; net tonnage
abbr., mech.eng. normal starting torque
abbr., med. neotetrazolium (stain)
abbr., obst. nuchal translucency (Баян)
abbr., oil neap tide; net tonnage; Nissei Tanker; no tested; number of teeth
abbr., pharm. neurotropin
abbr., space navigation telescope; network technique; noise temperature; numbering transmitter
abbr., sport. notrump
abbr., tech. nanotechnology
abbr., textile national tariff; national treasury; National Treatment Principle
NTS abbr.
abbr. Need To Sell; New Trading System; New Typesetting System; National Transmission System; NATO identification system; negative torque signal; net trade sales (fruit_jellies); Network Technical Support; Network Test System; Networking And Telecommunications Services; New Truck Seat; Notch Tensile Strength; Nuclear Test Site; Nuke The Shitheads; Naval Torpedo Station
abbr., archit., scient. Not To Scale
abbr., avia. Non Technical Skills (Оценка нетехнических способностей члена лётного экипажа. geseb); night vision targeting system; naval test station; negative torque sensing system; negative torque sensor; nozzle thrust stand
abbr., busin. notes
abbr., comp., net. NetWare Telephony Services; Novell Technical Services; Novell Technical Support; Windows NT Server (eugenyk)
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Testing Services; Network Time Server; Network Time Synchronization; Windows New Technology Server
abbr., distil. number of theoretical stages (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. National Topographic Series (Canada); national topographic system (Canada); notched tensile strength
abbr., ed., scient. Nazarene Theological Seminary
abbr., el. navigation technology satellite; not to scale (drafting); National Technical Systems, Inc.; Netware telephone service; network telephone services; network terminal selection; network terminal system; network transport service; neural time scale network
abbr., inet. Not The Same; Not Too Serious
abbr., IT NetSend Executable ASCII text file; Networking and Telecommunications Services; Norton Tutorial; Number Translation Service
abbr., med. Nasotracheal Suction; Nephrotoxic Serum; Neurotensin; Nicotine Transdermal System; Nontropical Sprue; Nucleus Tractus Solitarius
abbr., mil. Naval Telecommunications System; night targeting system; noncombatant evacuation operation tracking system
abbr., mil., avia. National Technical System
abbr., mol.biol. nucleus tractus solitarius (Игорь_2006)
abbr., nautic., scient. Nevada Test Site
abbr., oil notched tensile strength
abbr., proj.manag. non-technical summary (Atenza)
abbr., scient. National Topographic System
abbr., scottish Naval Transport Service; Night Targeting System
abbr., space NASA test support; naval telecommunication system; navigation technology satellite
abbr., tech. negative torque system
abbr., telecom. non-traffic sensitive; nontraffic sensitive
abbr., tradem. National Technology Services, Inc.; National Testing Service
abbr., transp. National Traffic System; National Transportation Statistics; National Transportation System
busin. Note to Self
mil. navigator training squadron; nuclear test stage
tech. navigation test satellite; nuclear test schedule
NTS. abbr.
abbr., econ. not to scale
Nts abbr.
abbr. superior transitional air mass
nts abbr.
securit. notes (e.g., Mtg Nts = Mortgage Notes Alexander Oshis)