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NTP abbr.
comp. Netzsynchronisationsprotokoll (a protocol used to synchronize time between computers on the Internet)
 English thesaurus
NTP abbr.
abbr. National Transition Network; Notice To Proceed; National Tasking Plan; normal temperature and; Normal Temperature and Pressure see >; tropical transitional Pacific air mass; nucleoside triphosphate
abbr., agric., chem. nitrophosphate
abbr., astronaut. nuclear thermal propulsion (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. National Transition Plan; network time protocol; national taper pipe thread; normal temperature ftnd pressure
abbr., chem. normal temperature-pressure
abbr., commer. Navy Training Plan; Not to Proceed
abbr., commun. network termination point
abbr., comp., IT Numerous Time Programmable
abbr., comp., MS Nederlandse Taxonomie Project (A standard taxonomy (v1.0 based on XBRL 2.1 and IFRS) that is defined for all businesses operating in the Netherlands for reporting financial, tax, and statistical data to government agencies); Netherlands Taxonomy Project (A standard taxonomy (v1.0 based on XBRL 2.1 and IFRS) that is defined for all businesses operating in the Netherlands for reporting financial, tax, and statistical data to government agencies)
abbr., comp., net. network terminal protocol
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Time Protocol; Next Time Packet
abbr., earth.sc. National Taper Pipe; new tie point; number of theoretical plate
abbr., el. network terminating point; network termination processor; network test panel; network transaction processing; normal transmitted power; North Telecom Practices
abbr., logist. Notice to Proceed (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. National Toxicology Program; normal temperature and pressure (usually 0°C and 1 standard atmosphere); normal temperature and pulse; nucleoside-5'-triphosphate
abbr., media. Neo Tech Publishing
abbr., mil. Naval Telecommunications Publication; New Training Program; Navy Tactical Publication
abbr., mil., air.def. naval telecommunications procedure
abbr., mil., avia. Navy tactical publication
abbr., mil., WMD Notice to Proceed
abbr., missil. Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (ВосьМой)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. technological design standards (Russian Federation)
abbr., oil American National Taper Pipe; neutron of test points; nitrilo-trimethylphosphonic; non-tariff barriers; nontree pollen; number of theoretical plates
abbr., physiol., med. Normal Temperature and Pressure
abbr., progr., IT NoteTab Pro
abbr., scottish Normal Temperature, Pressure
abbr., space non-toxic plasticizer
abbr., toxicol. National Testing Program (Игорь_2006)
abbr., tradem. National Tenant Network, Inc.
abbr., transp. Department of Energy National Transportation Program; National Transportation Policy
energ.ind. near-term program
mil. naval tactical publication; naval telecommunications procedures; naval telecommunications publication; nuclear test plant
tech. Navy technological projections
NTP) abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD rescind (Notice to Proceed