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NOM abbr.
abbr. no offense meant
 English thesaurus
NOM abbr.
abbr. no offense meant; nomenclature
abbr., avia. noise definition manual
abbr., el. network operations manager; no memory
abbr., media. Name; Number Of Open Microphones
abbr., mil. Nominal
abbr., mus. New Orleans Music
abbr., oil natural organic matter
abbr., progr., IT Normas Oficial Mexicana
abbr., st.exch. Nasdaq Options Market (aht)
abbr., tradem. Nashville Office Machines
USA Nominate
.NOM abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Individual with Personal Site (Domain Mame, Internet)
Nom. abbr.
abbr. nomination; nomenclature; nominal
nom. abbr.
abbr., gram. nominative (ssn)
gram. nominative
nom abbr.
abbr. nomination
polym. nominal
NOM: 5 phrases in 2 subjects