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gen. Mast; Mastbaum
agric. mech.eng. Rückenmast; Tragbrücke; Dreipunktturm
mech.eng. Hubgerüst
tech. Leitungsmast
transp. Stütze; Stützpfosten
| Specific
tech. spezial
| research and technological development programme
 research and technological development programme
nat.sc. Programme für Forschung und technologische Entwicklung
| in the field of
 in the field of
law auf dem Gebiet ...
| marine science
 marine science
phys. Ozeanologie
and te
- only individual words found

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
mast [mɑ:st] n
gen. Mast m; Mastbaum m (auf Schiff)
agric., mech.eng. Rückenmast m; Tragbrücke f; Dreipunktturm m; Pflugturm m
build.struct. Turm m
construct. Pfahl m (aus Holz); Mastbaum m; Gittermast m; Pfosten m; Gestänge n
mech.eng. Hubgerüst n
mining. Bohrmast; transportabler Bohrturm (Bohrderrick)
tech. Leitungsmast m
transp. Stütze f; Stützpfosten m; Antennen-Mast f
masts poles not of metal n
gen. Masten, nicht aus Metall
masts n
gen. Masten m
MAST 1994-1998 [mɑ:st] abbr.
gen. Spezifisches Programm für Forschung und technologische Entwicklung,einschließlich Demonstration,im Bereich der Meereswissenschaften und-technologien
 English thesaurus
MAST [mɑ:st] abbr.
abbr. Military Anti-Shock Trousers; Multicultural Assessment And Services Team; Manual Acquisition Satellite Track; military anti-shock trousers; Military Assistance for Safety and Traffic; MILSTAR Advanced Satellite Terminals; Mobile Ashore Support Terminal; Multi-Application SOnar Trainer
abbr., astr., scient. Multimission Archive at Space Telescope
abbr., astronaut. manned astronomical space telescope
abbr., avia. Major Airframe Static Test (bonly); material automated shortage tracking; material on-line shortage tracking
abbr., avia., med. Military Assistance to Safety and Transportation (С. Г. Чадов)
abbr., ed., scient. Maritime Academy Of Science And Technology
abbr., el. maneuvering systems technology; modular application system training
abbr., med. Medical Anti Shock Trousers
abbr., mil. Maximum Aircrew Stress Tolerance; Mobile Army Surgical Team; Mission Avionics System Trainer; Multi-mission Airborne Surveillance Technology; mobile ashore support terminal
abbr., O&G, karach. maximum allowable stem torque (макс. крутящий момент на шпинделе арматуры INkJet)
abbr., physiol. Medical Anti-Shock Trousers
abbr., police Mutual Aid Support Team
abbr., scottish Military Assistance to Safety & Traffic; Mobile Aircrew Sustainment Trainer (US Army); Multi-Application Sonar Trainer; Multimission Airborne Surveillance Technology programme (USAF)
mil. military assistance to safety and traffic; munitions assistance and standardization team
MAST [mɑ:st] abbr.
abbr., busin. master
abbr., earth.sc. marine science and technology program; marine statistics; mean annual soil temperature; mean annual surface temperature
abbr., med. military antishock trousers
abbr., space mass spectrometer telescope; missile automatic supply technique; Multi-Application Survivable Tether
abbr., tech. Maximum Allowable Stem Torque (fa158); magnetic annular shock tube
MAST Specific research and technological development programme in the field of marine science and: 1 phrase in 1 subject