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gen. Gesetz; Jura; Recht; Rechtswissenschaft; Rechtswesen; Vorgabe
sport. Vorgabe
tech. Prinzip; Regel
gen. Gesetze
| that
gen. das
| come from
 come from
gen. herkommen
| court decisions
 court decision
NGO gerichtliche Entscheidung
| and not
comp. negiertes UND
| from
gen. aus
| statutes
bank. Satzung
| or
gen. beziehungsweise
| constitutions
gen. Einrichtung
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | adverb | abbreviation | to phrases
law [lɔ:] n
gen. Gesetz n; Jura m; Recht n; Rechtswissenschaft f; Rechtswesen n; Vorgabe Jagd; Sport; Juristerei abwertend, oft scherzh.
agric. Befugnis f; Berechtigung f; Erlaubnis f
construct. Europäisches Gesetz
econ. Gesetze n; Rechtsordnung f; Gesetzlichkeit f; Rechtsprechung f; Justiz f
emerg.care Gesetz n
environ. Gesetz n (das Gesetz, ein Gesetz)
phys. Satz m
sport. Vorgabe (auch Jagd)
stat. Rechtswissenschaften f
tech. Prinzip n; Regel f
laws [lɔːz] n
gen. Gesetze n
law science [lɔ:] n
environ. Rechtswissenschaft f
law individual, One of the rules making up the body of law [lɔ:] n
environ. Gesetze n
laws [lɔːz] adv.
patents. Gesetzgebung
 English thesaurus
LAW [lɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Learning Attendance Welfare; Licensed Appropriation Of Wealth; League of American Writers; Light Antitank Weapon; Local Authority Workstation; the League of American Writers
abbr., avia. Lawton, Oklahoma USA; low altitude warning
abbr., BrE leading aircraftwoman
abbr., el. laser absorption wave
abbr., IT Local Area Wireless
abbr., mil. Legal Act of War; Light Anti-Tank Weapon; Lightweight Automated Howitzer; Land Attack Weapon
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Limited Access Wellhead
abbr., scient. Love And War
abbr., scottish Light Anti-armour / Anti-tank Weapon
ecol. low active waste
invest. lean against the wind
mil. library, amphibious warfare; light antiarmor weapon; light area weapon; light assault weapon; local air warning
tech. low-acid waste
law [lɔ:] abbr.
abbr. light anti-tank weapon
law  combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority; combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority; Combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority, derived from court decisions, and established by local custom
Laws [lɔːz] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. lawsonite
Law [lɔ:] abbr.
abbr., oil lawsonite
law. abbr.
abbr. lawyer
LaWS [lɔːz] n
mil., navy Laser Weapons System (US Navy Val_Ships)
LAWS [lɔːz] abbr.
abbr., avia. light aircraft warning system
abbr., oil low aromatic white spirit
LAWS [lɔːz] abbr.
abbr. Legislative Automated Workflow System; Long-Range Cruise Missile Analysis and Warning System; Lawyers Alliance for World Security (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. light aerial warning system
abbr., el. land attack warfare system; low altitude warning system
abbr., mil. Land Attack Weapon System
abbr., nautic., scient. Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder
abbr., scottish Link All-purpose Workstation
mil. light antitank weapon system; lightweight aerial warning system; low-altitude warning system
Nasdaq Lawson Products, Inc.
tech. laser weapon simulator
Laws [lɔːz] abbr.
abbr., law L. (of state)
Laws that
: 11 phrases in 4 subjects