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noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
Lao [lau] n
gen. Laote m
Laos ['lauz] n
gen. Laos m
geogr. die Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos
Laos .la ['lauz] n
gen. Laos m
Lao female [lau] n
gen. Laotin f
Lao [lau] adj.
gen. laotisch
 English thesaurus
LAO [lau] abbr.
abbr. Lao; lacquer
abbr., avia. Laoag, Philippines
abbr., HF.electr. LaAlO3
abbr., med. left anterior oblique (vlad-and-slav); left anterior oblique (coronary artery); left atrial overloading; Licentiate in the Art of Obstetrics
abbr., med.appl. left anterior oblique (ЭхоКГ harser)
abbr., mil. Logistics Assistance Office
abbr., mil., avia. Laos
abbr., O&G low-aromatic oil (based drilling fluids DAKK)
abbr., oil linear alpha olefin; Lao People, s Democratic Republic; linear alpha olefines
mil. legal assistance office; legal assistance officer; limited attack option; logistics assistance office
LAOS ['lauz] abbr.
abbr., space large aperture optical system
LAOs ['lauz] abbr.
abbr., oil linear alpha olefines
Lao: 7 phrases in 3 subjects