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LSD ['eles'di:] n
tech. Ziffer mit dem niederwertigsten Stellenwert; Ziffer mit dem niedrigsten Stellenwert
 English thesaurus
LSD ['eles'di:] abbr.
abbr., auto. limited slip differential lock (Sagoto)
abbr., sport. last stone draw (jagr6880)
abbr., vet.med. от Lumpy Scin Disease (AJXplosive)
LSD ['eles'di:] abbr.
abbr. Lake Shore Drive; Love Something Different; d-lysergic acid diethylamide (Vosoni); Laugh Stupidly For Days; long side; pounds Libra, shillings Sestertii, and old pence (Denarii); LySergic acid Diethylamide; limit state design (Alexander Demidov); landing ship deck; lysergic acid
abbr., auto. limited slip differential (MichaelBurov); limited-slip differential (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. low speed data; language for structural dynamics; light sensitive detector
abbr., busin. leased; last safe date
abbr., chromat. Light Scattering Detection (Гера)
abbr., commun. Label Switch Data
abbr., construct. Limit State Design (Limit state design (LSD) refers to a design method used in structural engineering. A limit state is a condition of a structure beyond which it no longer fulfills the relevant design criteria. The condition may refer to a degree of loading or other actions on the structure, while the criteria refer to structural integrity, fitness for use, durability or other design requirements. A structure designed by LSD is proportioned to sustain all actions likely to occur during its design life, and to remain fit for use, with an appropriate level of reliability for each limit state. Kenny Gray)
abbr., earth.sc. dominion lands survey descriptions; Lagrangian Stochastic-Deterministic; logarithmic series distribution; low-speed data; lunar surface drill
abbr., el. language for system development; LAN system design; laser-supported detonation; latching semiconductor diode; leftmost significant digit; level shift diode; light sensitive diode; light storage device; limited space-charge drift (mode); line service data; line-sharing device; line switching device; linkage system diagnostics; local-spin-density functional approximation; local symbol definition; logical support definition
abbr., electr.eng. limit switch down; Low Side Driver (harser)
abbr., file.ext. Language for Systems Development
abbr., fin. Lower Slobovian Dinar
abbr., food.ind. Laced Soft Drink
abbr., int.transport. landing, storage and delivery charges (расходы по выгрузке на берег, хранению и доставке Yuriy83)
abbr., IT Last Significant Digit
abbr., jarg. blue cheer (Viacheslav Volkov)
abbr., law Last Stoned Day
abbr., logist. landing, storage and delivery
abbr., Makarov. line signal detector
abbr., med. Laryngeal Sound Discrimination; Least Significant Digit; Life Systems Division; lysergic acid diethylamide; lysergide
abbr., media. Long Story Debugger
abbr., mil. Landing Ship Dock; Large Screen Display; dock landing ship; logistic support detachment
abbr., mus. Lucy Scale Developments
abbr., nautic. Lashed Secured Dunnaged
abbr., oil legal subdivision; Low Sulphur Diesel (Yakov); Land Surveys Division; larger significant digit; leadless sealed device; light sensitive device; light steel drum; linear-slip discontinuity; low-sulfur diesel; low-shot-density
abbr., physiol., med. Last Stage Of Delirium
abbr., scient. Large-Scale Distribution
abbr., scottish Landing Ship, Dock (USA); Lithium Sulphur Dioxide
abbr., sl., drug. Blue barrels (Franka_LV); "blue barrels" (сленговое название наркотика Franka_LV); "Golden Dragon" (нарко-сленг; ЛСД Franka_LV); "Orange barrels" (Franka_LV); Russian sickles (Franka_LV); "Orange haze" (Franka_LV); "Orange wedges" (Franka_LV); "Twenty-five" (Franka_LV); Orange cubes (Franka_LV); Owsley's acid (Franka_LV); "Blue chairs" (Franka_LV); Blotter (Franka_LV); Blotter cube (Franka_LV); Alice (Franka_LV); Owsley (Franka_LV)
abbr., space large-screen display; light-sensitive detector
abbr., sport. Local Split Decision
abbr., stat. Least Significant Difference (iwona)
abbr., tradem. Lighting and Sound Design
abbr., transp. Limited Slip Differential
abbr., UN, sl., drug. lysergic acid diethylamide
abbr., vet.med. lumpy skin disease
int.transport., abbr. landing, storage and delivery charges
mil., abbr. landing ship, dock; large screen display; laser signal device; launch systems data; least separation distance; logistics systems division
O&G local shutdown
tech., abbr. launch system data; least-significant difference; liquid shutdown system; local spin density
lsd ['eles'di:] abbr.
gen. low-sulphur diesel (mindblowing stuff Victor Parno)
abbr. least significant digit
biol. least significant difference
mus. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (песня The Beatles ri)
water.suppl. Land Surface Datum
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
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