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JM adv.
comp. Müllpost; Werbepost; unerwünschte Post
 English thesaurus
JM abbr.
abbr. Jumpers Master; James Madison; James Maybrick; Jerry Mckinnis; John Madden; John Manning; John Marlin; John Mathieson; John Millington; John Murphy; Jong Man; Jose Marti; Junk Mail; Jenny Mulder; Jerk Mother; Jilted Mindz; Joint Model (AVC); Joke Master; Joseph Matti
abbr., earth.sc. Middle Jurassic
abbr., el. Jacobian matrix; jump
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Jedi Masters
abbr., inet. Just Marvelous
abbr., law Japanese Man; Just Missing
abbr., med. Juvenile Myositis; jaw movement
abbr., mil. Joint Mission; Joint Missions
abbr., mil., avia. jettison motor
abbr., monk. Junior Member
abbr., mus. Jazz Master
abbr., oil junction module
abbr., org.name. Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees
abbr., polit. Jamaica
abbr., polym. jet molding
abbr., sport. Junior Midget
abbr., st.exch. Johns- Manville Corporation
abbr., tradem. Johns Manville
abbr., transp. journey management (Kazuroff)
tech. jump on minus
Jm abbr.
abbr. Jerusalem