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noun | verb | verb | to phrases
gag [gæg] n
gen. Gag m; Knebel m; Witz m; Gags machen; Mundsperrer m; Spaß m; Späße machen; jdn. würgen (smb.); jdn. knebeln (sb.); würgen
agric. Maulgatter n
busin. Einfall m
econ. Trick m; Knebelung f; Hemmung f
fig. jdn. zum Schweigen bringen
med. Beissblock m; gruppenspezifisches Antigen; Mundöffner m; Mundsperre f
mining. Stempelrichtpresse f; Schienenrichtmaschine f; Hilfsstempel m; vorläufiger Stempel
polit. Schluß der Debatte; Beendigung der Debatte
Gag! v
inf. Würg!
gag [gæg] v
gen. witzeln
construct. richten
econ. mundtot machen; zum Schweigen bringen
econ., inf. schwindeln; täuschen; tricksen
emerg.care würgen (allgemein)
tech. knebeln
gagged v
gen. geknebelt; knebelte
gags v
gen. knebelt
gaging ['geɪdʒɪŋ] v
transp., tech. messen
 English thesaurus
GAG [gæg] abbr.
abbr. Graphic Artists Guild; the Graphic Artists Guild
abbr., avia. Gage, Oklahoma USA; ground to air to ground; ground-to-air-to-ground data terminal
abbr., biol. glucosamineglucan; Group-specific antigen (inn)
abbr., chem., scient. Glycosaminoglycan
abbr., el. ground-air-ground; ground-to-air-to ground
abbr., immunol. glycosaminoglycans
abbr., life.sc. glycosaminoglycan (ГАГ MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Guanine-adenine-guanine Codon For Glutamic Acid; glycosaminoglucans
abbr., mil. Ground Air Ground
abbr., mil., avia. ground-to-air and air-to-ground
abbr., sport. Games And Activities Galore; Goal A Game; Grab And Giggle
abbr., tradem. Green And Gold
abbr., transp. Go Around Ground
tech. geophysical analysis group; glucosamineglycan; ground-to-air-to-ground
GAGS abbr.
abbr., el. general application guidance system
Gag: 35 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Emergency medical care1
Medical appliances1