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Fie! n
gen. Pfui! m
 English thesaurus
FIE [faɪ] abbr.
abbr. Foreign-Invested Enterprise; Foreign Intelligence Element; Fucking Idiotic Epeeists
abbr., auto. fuel injection equipment (http://www.boschindia.com/content/language1/html/11778.htm sonali)
abbr., avia. Fair Isle, UK; Flight instructor examiner EASA (Elena-LS); fly in echelon
abbr., earth.sc. frequency-independent error
abbr., econ. foreign invested enterprise (asia_nova)
abbr., el. Federal Information Exchange; Fourier integral estimation; function interpret error; fuzzy inference engine
abbr., law Federation International Escrime; Firearms Import Export
abbr., med. Fertilization Independent Endosperm
abbr., mil. fly-in echelon; foreign intelligence entity
abbr., oil fuel-injection equipment
abbr., oil.proc. free issued equipment (Yerkwantai)
abbr., org.name. Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics and Policy Division
abbr., sport. Federation Internationale d'Escrime; International Fencing Federation
abbr., vet.med. feline infectious enteritis
tech. flight instrumentation engineer
FIE: 1 phrase in 1 subject