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noun | verb | verb | to phrases
evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
gen. Beweisstück im Strafprozess; Belastungsdokument n; Belastungsmaterial n; Anzeichen n; Beleg m; Beweis m; Hinweis m; Nachweis m; Zeugnis n; Indiz n; Bekundung f; Beweise m; Beweismittel n; Evidenz f; Zeugnisse n
account. Prüfungsnachweise m
AI. Klarheit f
busin. Beweismaterial m
commun. Gegenwart eines Zeugen
comp., MS Beweis m (The properties of code, such as a digital signature or the zone or site of its origin, that are used by security policy to grant permissions to code)
econ. Offenkundigkeit f; augenscheinliche Gewißheit; erweisen; bestätigen; zeigen
emerg.care Asservat n; Evidence m; Nachweis m
law Anwesenheit eines Zeugen; Aussage f; Zeugenaussage f (inhaltlich als Beweismittel); Zeuge m
life.sc. stumme Zeugen
med. Asservat n
patents. Augenscheinlichkeit f
phys. Beobachtung f; Entdeckung f; experimenteller Beweis; experimenteller Hinweis
evidence a statement, object, etc. supporting a point in the case ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
law Beweismaterial m
evidences n
gen. Zeugenaussagen f
pieces of evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
gen. Belege m
evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] v
account. dokumentieren
law, ADR nachweisen
tech. beweisen
evidenced v
gen. schien
 English thesaurus
evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] n
IT Information that proves or disproves a stated issue 2. Information that an auditor gathers in the course of performing an IS audit; relevant if it pertains to the audit objectives and has a logical relationship to the findings and conclusions it is used to support (Audit perspective)
law a s oral or written statement, object, etc. supporting a point in the case; Any proof legally presented at trial through witnesses, records, and/or exhibits
law, abbr. evid.
mil., abbr. evid
Evidence ['evɪd(ə)ns] abbr.
abbr., law Ev..
law, abbr. E
Evidence for Community Health Organization
: 39 phrases in 14 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Foreign trade7
Information technology1
Optics branch of physics1