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EUREKA [ju(ə)'ri:kə] adj.
econ. Europäische Behörde für Koordinierung in der Forschung
Eureka [ju(ə)'ri:kə] adj.
econ. Eureka
eureka [ju(ə)'ri:kə] adj.
ed. heureka
eureka! adj.
gen. Heureka!
Eureka! adj.
inf. Ich hab's!
 English thesaurus
EUREKA [ju(ə)'ri:kə] abbr.
abbr. European Research Coordination Agency
abbr., mil., avia. European Research and Coordinating Agency
abbr., scottish Europe, Research, Co-operation, Action
Eureka [ju(ə)'ri:kə] adj.
econ. Eureka
EUREKA: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
Materials science3