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ERS abbr.
abbr. Earbitten Radio Shows; Economic Research Service; Experimental Resolution System; Educational Research Service; Electric Resistant Strain; Enterprise Resource Sharing (ENS, Banyan, VINES); erased; Ergonomics Research Society; Error Report Suppression (flag, CATNIP); estimated recoverabic sugar
abbr., AI. Embedded Rule-based System
abbr., astronaut. Earth remote probing (MichaelBurov); Earth's remote probing (MichaelBurov); Earth's remote sensing (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. Electronic Range Select (ВВладимир); economy running system; electronic range selection
abbr., avia. expanded radar service; Emergency Response Services; electronic reconnaissance system; engine repair section; engine repair shop; engineering release schedule; engineering release system; enhanced reference system; erase; external regulation system
abbr., cartogr. Earth Resource Satellite
abbr., comp., net., IT Enterprise Reporting System; Errors Party
abbr., earth.sc. Earth Recovery Subsystem; endogene ring structure; ESA remote sensing satellite; European Remote Sensing System; European Remote Sensor; Experimental Research Society
abbr., ed. Employees Retirement System
abbr., el. external reflectance spectroscopy; electrochemical photocapacitance spectroscopy; electromagnetic position sensor; electronic Raman scattering; electronic remote switching; electronic retailing system; electron-proton spectrometer; enterprise routing switch; error rate step; error recovery service; external reference source; external reflection spectrometry
abbr., el., scient. Event reporting standard
abbr., electr.eng. equipment requirements specification (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., file.ext. Satellite image header (ER Mapper file, Earth Resource Mapping)
abbr., IT Emergency Recovery System; External Reference Specification; Satellite image header
abbr., life.sc. endoplasmic reticulum stress
abbr., med. Eastern Radiological Society; Enamel-renal Syndrome; Endoscopic Retrograde Sphincterectomy; European Respiratory Society
abbr., mil. Electronics Rack System; Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight; Emergency Relocation Site; EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY Remote-sensing Satellite
abbr., mil., air.def. electronic reconnaissance squadron; experimental radar system
abbr., mil., avia. early release of submunitions
abbr., nano Earth remote sensing
abbr., nautic., scient. Earth Resources Satellite; ESA Remote-sensing Satellite; European Remote Sensing
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Emergency Response Service
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. emergency response station
abbr., O&G, sakh. emergency release system; Emergency Release System (U-3400); Emergency Response System (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil emergency rescue service; earth remote sensing satellite; earth resources survey; Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center; Engineering Research Station; equilibrium radiation spectra; equipment requirement specification; ESA European Space Agency Remote Sensing Satellite; Exploration and Reservoir Services
abbr., physiol. Energy Releasing Stimulant
abbr., SAP. Evaluated Receipt Settlement (GRIffit)
abbr., scottish European Remote sensing Satellite
abbr., shipb. electronic remote switch
abbr., space entry and recovery simulation; environmental research satellite; external reflection spectroscopy
abbr., sport. Exclusive Ride Session
abbr., st.exch. Empire Resources, Inc., of Delaware
abbr., transp. Emergency Road Service
airports, avia. Eros, Namibia
mil. electronic reconnaissance set; emergency recovery section; emergency relocation site
tech. effective receiver sensitivity
ERs abbr.
abbr., oil export restraints
ERS abbr.
abbr., med. event-related synchronization (neuromuscular.ru dimock)