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Data Communications Equipment
comp., MS DCE (One of two types of hardware that are connected by an RS-232-C serial connection, the other being a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device)
data communication equipment
commun. Datenübertragungseinrichtung f (i.e. modem for RS232C connections, network access and PS nodes for X.25 connections)
comp. Datenverkehrseinrichtung f; Datenübermittlungseinrichtung f
IT DÜ-Einrichtung; Datenaustauschgerät n; Datenfernübertragungseinrichtung f; Datenübertragungseinrichtung f; Übertragungseinrichtung f
data communications equipment
telecom. Datenübertragungseinrichtung f
Data Communication Equipment DCE
gen. Ausrüstung zur Datenkommunikation
 English thesaurus
Data Communications Equipment One of two types of hardware that are connected by an RS-232-C serial connection, the other being a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device
abbr., comp., MS DCE (데이터 통신 장치)