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DL abbr.
comp. Diodenlogik; DL
 English thesaurus
Dl abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. dolerit
Dls. abbr.
abbr., econ. dollars
DL abbr.
abbr. Decision List; DeLuxe; Down Low; detection limit (igisheva); Dallas Field Office; Damn Lucky; Daresbury Laboratory; Darned Lucky; data list; De La; dead light; Dead Lobster; Default Losses; Delivers Less; Department of Labor; delete-mode indicator; Dorman Long Steel Ltd.; duolateral; Destroyer Leader; Diaper Lover; Dies Loci; Difference Limen; difference of latitude; Dirty Little; Display And Lock; Disturbance Lines; Division Leader; document index (eternalduck); document list (eternalduck); Don't Loop; Download Last; drawing index (eternalduck); drawing list; driving license (Val_Ships)
abbr., agric. deep litter
abbr., auto. dark blue; de luxe; design load; door lock; door lock, power
abbr., automat. direct labor-machine operator's hourly rate
abbr., avia. data loader (Interex); dome light; double loop; dashed line; day light; deadstick landing; Delta Airlines Inc; depth line; direct labour; direct link; dot line; domain leader; draw language; drawing levels; Delta Air Lines Inc.
abbr., biol. diffusion capacity of lungs
abbr., BrE Deputy Lieutenant
abbr., busin. description leaf; development loan; Doctor of Law
abbr., comp. diode logic (circuit)
abbr., comp., net. data link; distribution lists; dynamic load
abbr., comp., net., IT Distribution List
abbr., data.prot. discrete logarithm
abbr., dril. day labour; dogleg
abbr., earth.sc. dellenite; dynamic loading characteristics; lamprophyre dike
abbr., el. data latch; data leakage; data library; deep-level (emission); defect level; deformation luminescence; depletion layer; description language; dielectric loss; differential linearity; diffusion length; diffusion-limited; digital library; digital loop; dimer laser; discrete logic; discrimination limit; distribution line; double-layered PMR medium; double LOCOS (process); drop line; dynamic link; distributed lags model
abbr., el., scient. Diffuse Layer; Dummy Load
abbr., file.ext. Animation (Display - DL Viewer); Animation format (Display Vosoni); Dynamic Loader; Download (also D/L)
abbr., inet. Don't Laugh; Don't Look
abbr., invest. drop lock (соглашение, согласно которому процентная ставка по векселю с плавающей ставкой или привилегированным акциям становится фиксированной, если она падает до определенного уровня: A drop lock is an arrangement whereby the interest rate on a floating-rate note or preferred stock becomes fixed if it falls to a specified level. Above that level the rate floats based on a benchmark market rate, typically with a semiannual reset. In other words, drop lock bonds marry the attributes of both floating-rate securities and fixed-rate securities. investopedia.com tau12)
abbr., IT Data Left; Data Length; Data Link; Definition List; Delete Lines; Description Length; Directory List; Directory Listing; Down Link
abbr., lab.eq. Development Laboratory
abbr., law Driver's License
abbr., med. Diffusing Capacity Of The Lungs; Lung Diffusion (capacity); description list; diffusing capacity of the lung; distolingual; Donath-Landsteiner (test); lethal dose
abbr., mil. Design Language; Distance Learning; Diode Laser
abbr., O&G density log (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. oily sewer
abbr., oil dead line; dielectric log; dielectric logging; dielectric micro log; dielectric micro logging; Dielectrieal Logging (glenfoo); driller's log; data language; datum level; day labour; deep lake; derived limit; developed length; diameter length; diamond layer; dielectric loading factor; dividing line; Djakarta Lloyd; dog-leg; dolerite; downhole level (for AGC); downlap; drilling line; dual laterolog
abbr., opt. diffraction-limited; diode logic
abbr., pharma. Data Lock (ННатальЯ)
abbr., physiol. Deficiency Low
abbr., polym. dead load
abbr., progr. Description Logic (BFRZ)
abbr., sec.sys. Danger List (iwona)
abbr., shipb. deadlight
abbr., space damage limitation strategy; deorbit/ landing
abbr., sport. deadlift (мертвая тяга eugeene1979); disabled list
abbr., sport., psychol. difficulty level
abbr., st.exch. Dial Corporation
abbr., tech. direct load
abbr., telecom. duo-lateral (coil)
abbr., transp. Deciliter; Double Log
chat., inet. Download
energ.ind. deflection line; detection level; discharge limits
invest. demand loan
mil. damage limitation; data logging; daylight; deadline; delay line; direct line; distribution list; driving licence
NASA Downlink
O&G deviation alarm setpoint
railw. buffet-lounge car
tech. data line; data lists; departure locator; design life; diffraction loss; drum level
tradem. Dale
unit.meas. deciliter (100 mL)
DL- abbr.
abbr., chem. racemic
dl abbr.
abbr. day letter; decilitre (Vosoni); delay; dollar
abbr., earth.sc. decalitre; diluvial
Dl abbr.
abbr. dielectric isolation; dolomite
dl. abbr.
abbr. decilitre
abbr., econ. dollar
polym. deciliter
dL abbr.
abbr., med. deciliter
abbr., oncol. Deci-Liter
: 18 phrases in 3 subjects
Pharmacy and pharmacology1