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Community-COST Concertation Agreement
 Community-COST Concertation Agreement
R&D. Konzertierungsabkommen Gemeinschaft-COST
| on
gen. beim; zu
comp. Ein-
inf. an; jd. verpfeifen
| a
gen. 1. с.х. Auslese-
| Concerted Action Project
 concerted action project
fin. econ. R&D. konzertierte Aktion
| in the field of
 in the field of
law auf dem Gebiet ...
Physico chemica
- only individual words found

to phrases
Community-COST Concertation Agreement
R&D. Konzertierungsabkommen Gemeinschaft-COST
Community-COST Concertation Agreement on a Concerted Action Project in the field of Physico- chemica
: 1 phrase in 1 subject