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Community action
 Community action
EU. Gemeinschaftsaktion
| to combat
 to combat
chem. bekämpfen
| the use of
 the use of
f.trade. Inanspruchnahme von
| drugs
gen. arzneimittel; Dopingmittel; Droge; Medikament; Rauschgift; Drogen beimischen
| including
gen. darunter
| the
gen. den
| abuse of medicinal products
 abuse of medicinal products
pharma. Arzneimittelmißbrauch
- only individual words found

to phrases
Community action
EU. Gemeinschaftsaktion f
community action
environ. Bürgerinitiative f
Community action to combat the use of drugs , including the abuse of medicinal products: 1 phrase in 1 subject