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food.ind. chem. Aurum; E175; Gold; pigment metal 3; Au

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
Aus. abbr.
abbr. Austrian n
Au [əu] n
food.ind., chem. Aurum n; E175 m; Gold n; pigment metal 3; Au f
 English thesaurus
AU [əu] abbr.
abbr. Absorbance Units; Allocation Unit; Arbitrary Units; Arthur Upfield; Astronomical Units; Atomic Units; Aarhus Universit (University of Aarhus; Denmark Alex Lilo); Absorbance Unit (Alex Lilo); Accessible Unit (Alex Lilo); Acorn User (magazine Alex Lilo); Adamson University (Alex Lilo); Adaptation Unit (Alex Lilo); Adaptive Unit (Alex Lilo); Addressee Unknown (Alex Lilo); Adelaide University (University of Adelaide, Australia Alex Lilo); Adelphi University (Alex Lilo); Administrative Unit (Alex Lilo); Alcohol Unit (Alex Lilo); Alfred University (Alex Lilo); Aligarh University (India Alex Lilo); Alopecia Universalis (Alex Lilo); Always Usually (Alex Lilo); American Racing Pigeon Union (Oklahoma City Alex Lilo); Americans United (for the Separation of Church and State: Washington, DC Alex Lilo); Amman University (Alex Lilo); Amplifier Unit; Anadolu University (Alex Lilo); Analyzer Unit (Alex Lilo); Anderson University (Indiana Alex Lilo); Andhra University (India Alex Lilo); Angeles University (Philippines Alex Lilo); Ankara University (Alex Lilo); Anna University (India Alex Lilo); Annamalai University (India Alex Lilo); Another Universe (comics Alex Lilo); Ansta"llningsutskottet (Swedish: Employment Committee Alex Lilo); Apache University (Alex Lilo); Aquinas University (Alex Lilo); Araullo University (Alex Lilo); Arellano University (Manila, Philippines Alex Lilo); Argosy University (Alex Lilo); Ashland University (Alex Lilo); Assessment Unit (Alex Lilo); Associate in Underwriting (insurance Alex Lilo); Associated Universities (Alex Lilo); Assumption University (Alex Lilo); Athabasca University (Alex Lilo); Atheists United (Alex Lilo); ATM User (Alex Lilo); Atomic Unit (Alex Lilo); Audio (file name extension Alex Lilo); Audio Unit (Alex Lilo); Auris Uterque (Latin: each ear Alex Lilo); Aurora University (Alex Lilo); Authentication Unification (Sprint Alex Lilo); Authorized User (Alex Lilo); Authors System (Alex Lilo); Autism (Alex Lilo); Autistic (Alex Lilo); Automated Underwriter (Alex Lilo); Automatic (welding Alex Lilo); Automatic Updates (Microsoft Windows Alex Lilo); Avila University (Alex Lilo); Avionics Upper (panel Alex Lilo); Encoded Audio Format (file extension; Sun and NeXT Alex Lilo); Unity Alliance (Nicaragua Alex Lilo); Australia top-level domain name (Alex Lilo); Austria (Alex Lilo); avena unit
abbr., agric. antitoxic units
abbr., anim.husb. animal unit
abbr., avia. airspace user; application unit; assignable unit
abbr., avia., Canada approach UNICOM
abbr., chem. atomic unit (атомная единица Paravoli)
abbr., chem., scient. Gold
abbr., chromat. area unit (Игорь_2006)
abbr., comp., net., IT Amiga Usenet
abbr., ed., scient. American University; Andrews University; Auburn University
abbr., el. administration unit; answer unit; authentication of user; annual limit of intake
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Alternate Universe
abbr., file.ext. Sun/Next Audio File (Vosoni)
abbr., IT Access Unit; Sound - basic 8bit ulaw compressed audio file; access unit; arithmetic unit
abbr., med. Both Ears; activity unit; antitoxin unit
abbr., med., lat. aures unitas
abbr., mil. Analog Applique Unit
abbr., numism. About Uncirculated
abbr., oil.lubr. asset utilization (A Hun)
abbr., org.name. Architectural Institute of Japan
abbr., physiol., med. Both ears
abbr., plast. a polyurethane rubber type
abbr., polit. Australia; Austria
abbr., scient. Annotation Unit
abbr., scottish Air University (USA); Austria (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. aeolian deposit
abbr., st.exch. AngloGold, LTD.
abbr., UN African Unity
mil. airship, utility; alignment unit; all-up; Army unit; assault unit; auditor; auxiliary unit
tech. air-to-underwater
Игорь Миг, abbr. African Union (Африканский Союз)
Au [əu] abbr.
abbr. annual usage of part; augite; arbitrary unit; Gold; aurum
abbr., el. use availability
abbr., med. gold; azauridine
polym. Angstrom unit
tech. annual usage of; astronomical unit of length; aurum, gold
au [əu] abbr.
abbr. author
anat. auriculare (Natalya Rovina)
.au n
file.ext. Audio (file name extension); Australia
.AU n
IT audio/basic
Aus abbr.
abbr. Australia; Austria; Austrian
abbr., earth.sc. auxiliary switch
abbr., oil Austin
agric. Austrolorp
Aus. abbr.
abbr. Austria; Australia
AUS abbr.
abbr. Advanced Upper Stage; ARC of the United States; Army of the United States (Vosoni)
abbr., astronaut. airspace utilization service
abbr., avia. Robert Mueller Municipal Airport, Austin, Texas USA; Australian Airline
abbr., ed., scient. Atlantic University Sport
abbr., med. Acute Urethral Syndrome; Artificial Urinary Sphincter; American Uveitis Society; Australia Serum Hepatitis
abbr., mil. Army of United States
abbr., nautic. Austin Tx, U.S.A.
abbr., oil automatic water system
abbr., oncol. atypia of undetermined significance (Ying)
abbr., scottish Assistant Under Secretary of State
abbr., space airspace utilization section
abbr., tradem. Advanced Underwriting Service
abbr., transp. Robert Mueller Municipal Airport
mil. assistant under-secretary; Australian
AUSEO abbr.
abbr. Assistant Undersecretary of State (Establishment and Organization)
AUSO abbr.
abbr. Assistant Undersecretary of State (Organization)
AUSS abbr.
abbr. Assistant Undersecretary of State (Supply)
AUSA abbr.
abbr. Assistant Undersecretary of State (Air Staff)
AUSG abbr.
abbr. Assistant Undersecretary of State (General)
AUSP abbr.
abbr. Assistant Undersecretary of State (Personnel)
: 71 phrases in 14 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry3
Immigration and citizenship1
Optics branch of physics1
Social science2