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 English thesaurus
AlS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. alluvial soil
Al [æl] abbr.
abbr. artificial intelligence
abbr., busin. acceptance inspection; accident indemnity; accident insurance; Accounting Instruction; ad interim; after inspection; all iron; approval of import; artificial insemination; assistant inspector; Availability Index
abbr., earth.sc. almandine
abbr., fin. first contract amount
abbr., oil alum; alumina; aluminum oxide (abrasive)
abbr., sport. adequate intakes
Al. abbr.
abbr. Alabama; Alaska; Alaskan; alley; allied
abbr., earth.sc. alumina
abbr., phys. Alfven number
ALS abbr.
abbr. Alaska
abbr., avia. aircraft landing system
abbr., busin. American Lumber Standards
abbr., earth.sc. adaptive-lag-sum; alisphenoid; Australian Landsat Station; automatic level set
abbr., IT Asian language services; automatic laser shutdown
abbr., oil accidental limit state; adaptive least squares; adjustable linear shaker; advanced logging system; ammonium lauryl sulfate; array laterolog shallow; artificial lift systems; Asian Logistic Service
abbr., space advanced Landsat sensor; advanced limb scanner; advanced limb sounder; alert-level standard; automatic launch sequence
ALS abbr.
abbr. Absolute Loss Of Sense; Accounts Ledger System; Active Laser Seeker; Acute Lumbar Strain; Adjacent Link Station (IBM); Administrative License Suspension; Advanced Light Source; Advanced Low-power Schottky; Air Land Sea; Air Logistics Service; Airborne Link Segment; Airman Leadership School; All Ladies Shaved; Alternative Line Service; Alton and Southern Railway Company; American Learning System; American Lightwave Systems; American Littoral Society; AntiLymphocytic Serum; Appraisal & Liquidation Services, Inc.; Approach Landing System; Approach Lighting System; Army Legal Services; Autograph Letter Signed; Automatic Landing System; Automatic Line Switching
abbr., agric. Agricultural Land Service
abbr., astronaut. Advanced launch system
abbr., auto. all seasons; antilock system; automatic leading information system; automatic light switch
abbr., avia. Airworthiness Limitations Section (4uzhoj); ambient light sensor; advanced landing system; aeronautical lighting system; aft limit switch; airworthiness limitation section; alert level standard; alternate landing site; approach and landing simulator; automatic takeoff and landing; automated logistic system; autonomic logistic system
abbr., comp., net. application layer structure
abbr., construct. accident localization system (standby)
abbr., el. advanced low-power Schottky; accumulator left shift; active logic system; adaptive learning system; advanced lithography system; advanced low-power Schottky technology; airborne life scanner; alarm second; analog line shuffle; arithmetic left shift; atomic layer superlattice; automatic location system; action logic system
abbr., electr.eng. aluminum sheath
abbr., energ.ind. accident localization
abbr., immunol. antilymphocyte serum (Игорь_2006)
abbr., lab.eq. Anti-Lymphocyte Serum
abbr., Makarov. autograph letter signed
abbr., med. Absolute Loss Of Sanity (nutcase); Afferent Loop Syndrome; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Association Of Laparoscopic Surgeons Of Great Britain And Ireland; advanced life support; Advanced Life Support (program designed to teach emergency resuscitation); antilymphocytic serum; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Vosoni); antileucocytic serum; Associate of the Linnean Society
abbr., O&G Artificial Lift System (tat-konovalova)
abbr., physiol. Alveolar-Like Structure; Auto-immune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
abbr., polygr., model. autograf; autograaf; Autograph; autografo
abbr., polym. ammonium lignosulfonate
abbr., post Advanced Letter Sorter (future)
abbr., scottish Advanced Launch System (USA; SDI project); Airlift Squadron; All-weather Landing System; American Laser Systems Inc.; Anflug- und Landesystem; Approach Light System; Auxiliary Lighter (USA)
abbr., survey. aerial laser scanning (MichaelBurov); airborne laser scanning (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tech. approach lighting system
biochem. Antilymphocyte Serums
mil. advanced logistics system; air letter service; air liaison section; air logistics system; augmented logistics support; azimuth laying set
physiol. Aldolase
tech. airborne laser system; automatic level setting
als abbr.
abbr. alios; alius
AlS: 13 phrases in 2 subjects
Criminal law1