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gen. tausend; ... Tsd.
abbr. kiss

to phrases
K [keɪ] abbr.
abbr. kiss
K+ abbr.
hi.energ. K+-Meson; positives Kaon
K 1000 [keɪ] abbr.
gen. ... Tsd.
K kilo [keɪ] abbr.
gen. tausend
 English thesaurus
K [keɪ] abbr.
gen. 1024
abbr. calory (calorie); acetaldehydeaniline; luminous efficiency; cold; constant; criterion; discharge coefficient; K-display; Kansas; Karate; Katie; Kelang; Kellogg Company; Kelvin degrees; Kelvin scale; Kernel; Kerr constant; Kick; Kicker; Kicks; Kidnapping; Kill; Killers; Killian; Killjoy; Kilo - (metric 1000); kilo-; Kilobyte (Vosoni); kilogram; Kinda; knot; Know; Knowledge; Kool; Kreosote; Kresge (now K-mart, KMRT, formerly KM and KMRTQ); Kristos; Kutateladze criterion; loss coefficient; Miller index; Siegert constant; Strikeout (Baseball); The Kth; thermal conductance; Kilo- metric 1000; kappa
abbr., anim.husb. kalium, potassium
abbr., avia. kilohm; knots
abbr., biol. lysine
abbr., bridge. King
abbr., busin. KW; keg; kiloohm
abbr., cartogr. concrete
abbr., commer. Contract; carat, karat; kilogramme; kopeck; krona; kwacha
abbr., dat.proc. kiloocteto; kilooctet
abbr., dril. cathode
abbr., earth.sc. capacity; karat = (carat); cellophane; centuple calorie; constant of chemical equilibrium; coupling factor; kaena; kali; kamacite; kaolinization; kannan constant; Kelvin absolute scale; kuala; kyanite
abbr., econ. Karat
abbr., el. cathode; Kathode; constraint length of the convolutional code; Korea
abbr., fishery individual growth coefficient
abbr., genet. kappa particle
abbr., insur. Speed of vessel in knots
abbr., IT to
abbr., Makarov. Kelvin degree (кельвин); K
abbr., med. Kidney; Kilham (virus); Killer (cell); Potassium; potassium; Keratometer or numerical reading therefrom; absolute zero; electrostatic capacity; Kell; killed (in battle); killer.; kinesthetic; Klebsiella
abbr., med., germ. katode cathode
abbr., med.appl. kerma
abbr., mining. kip
abbr., nucl.phys. kappa meson
abbr., O&G, sakh. energy class (FSU earthquake measurement)
abbr., oil bulk modulus; coefficient; consistency index; electrochemical SP coefficient; equilibrium ratio; keel; kg/cm2 (Andrey250780); kilo pounds (andrushin); partition coefficient; spontaneous electromotive force; weight factor; Cretaceous; Kaisha (company); Kansan; kaolinite; kerogen; kerosene; Kina; kinetics; kinoshitalite; knee; Korun; Koruna; Kyat; potash
abbr., phys. degree of thermodynamic temperature (MichaelBurov); kelvin (MichaelBurov); Kelvin degree (<не рек.> MichaelBurov)
abbr., plast. Kelvin temperature
abbr., polit. kriti (The kritik is derived from the German word Kritik, traditionally pronounced as "critique", and often abbreviated as K. Val_Ships); kritik (The kritik is derived from the German word Kritik, traditionally pronounced as "critique", and often abbreviated as K. Val_Ships)
abbr., polym. kalium; kilocalorie; Mark-Houwink constant
abbr., refrig. degree Kelvin
abbr., scottish Kilometre (distance); Kratkoe-deistviye (Short-range (Russia)); Time zone 142.5 E-157.5 E (GMT -10); kelvin (temperature)
abbr., sec.sys. key
abbr., sport. king; strike out
abbr., water.suppl. Hydraulic Conductivity; Kelvin (temperature scale)
energ.ind., abbr. criterion; discharge coefficient; kilo-; kilogram; loss coefficient; potassium; thermal conductance
IT ok
IT, abbr. ok
meteorol., abbr. cold; constant; curvature; knot; calory (calorie)
mil. killed
tech. cal; carat; coefficient of compressibility; curvature; dissociation constant; equilibrium constant; ionization constant; kilobit; klystron; krone; mass transfer coefficient; multiplication factor; radius of gyration; reaction rate constant; thermal conductivity coefficient
K. abbr.
abbr. Knight
abbr., earth.sc. degree Kelvin; kilogram
abbr., lat. Care (Cams, Cara, "dear one"); Carissimus (Carissimus, "dearest"); Kalendas ("calends")
K+ abbr.
abbr., oncol., med. Potassium
*K* abbr.
abbr., inet. Kiss (Vosoni)
K' abbr.
abbr., oil dimensionless permeability; fluid consistency index
K- abbr.
abbr., med. electrolytic conductivity
Kλ. abbr.
abbr., phys. luminosity
°K abbr.
abbr., tech. degree Kelvin (deg К)
k [keɪ] abbr.
gen. 1000
abbr. Boltzmann constant; compressibility; electric conductivity; effective multiplication factor; heat conductivity; heat transfer coefficient; index (sup); kindergarten; overall heat transfer coefficient; proportionality constant; special heat ratio
abbr., earth.sc. ratio of specific heats; velocity constant of chemical reaction
abbr., el. kilo-; Boltzmann's constant; magnetomechanical coupling factor; momentum; conductivity
abbr., med. kilo; knots
abbr., mil. thousand
abbr., sport. kayak
abbr., telecom. kilo
chess.term. king
inf. knighthood
O&G absolute permeability; electrokinetic; flow coefficient; knot; magnetic susceptibility; permeability; radiometric constant of logging tool; salinity constant of fresh water; slack-off or pick-up constant; thermal conductivity; wave number
polym. kilogram
water.suppl. Kinetic Energy
k. abbr.
abbr. karat (Vosoni); knot
abbr., earth.sc. cathode
abbr., libr. kopeck
abbr., tech. kilo
mining. keg
abbr. kiloohm
abbr., el. kilohm
k- abbr.
abbr., med. compressibility
σk abbr.
abbr., met. impact strength
KE [keɪ] abbr.
abbr., sec.sys. enciphering key
K Kelvin [keɪ] abbr.
abbr., Makarov. K (кельвин)
KD [keɪ] abbr.
abbr., sec.sys. deciphering key
Ksub m [keɪ] abbr.
biol. Michaelis constant
: 304 phrases in 53 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Antennas and waveguides2
Criminal law2
Earth sciences6
Fish farming pisciculture2
Food industry2
Foreign trade2
Gear train4
Health care7
High energy physics15
Immigration and citizenship1
Information technology12
Life sciences2
Measuring instruments3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation7
Natural sciences3
Nuclear physics3
Physical sciences1
Power lines4
Textile industry1
Радиоактивное излучение16