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 English thesaurus
TM abbr.
abbr., med. traditional medicine (Игорь_2006)
Tm abbr.
abbr. maximum temperature; mean temperature
abbr., earth.sc. temperature maritime air mass; terametre
abbr., med. tubular maximal (excretory capacity of kidneys)
abbr., oil tremolite; Trenton
tm abbr.
abbr. trimethylenediamine
abbr., mil. technical manual TM
tm. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. transfer
TM abbr.
abbr. Team Materials; TeleMail (BBS, Berlin, DFUE); TradeMark; takeoff mass; team; technician-mechanic; telemetering; temperature meter; trademark; transcendental meditation; tone modulation; Turkmenistan; Time; Terminal Manager (Bull, DSA); Territory Manager (ННатальЯ); Threat Manager; ton-miles (Vosoni); Tools for MIME (EMACS, GNU, MIME); Transaction Monitor (TP); temperature meter, thermometer
abbr., anat. tuberculum majus (Лорина)
abbr., astronaut. technology demonstration mission
abbr., auto. touch memory; Turbomotor
abbr., automat. tool monitor; truing motor; tracer machining
abbr., avia. Trend Monitoring (Zealot2002); tactical manager; tactical maneuver; terminal module; terrain matching; test maintenance; test master; thrust management; time management; timed; tool mark; tool master; tooling memorandum; track monitor; transportability manual; turbo machinery
abbr., BrE Town Major
abbr., busin. team member (Е. Тамарченко, 03.05.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
abbr., cartogr. transverse Mercator (projection)
abbr., commer. Technical Management
abbr., commun. Terminal Multiplexing
abbr., comp., net. The X Window System; transaction manager
abbr., ed. teaching material (igisheva)
abbr., el. task memorandum; telemeter; template menu; terminal management; terminal monitor; terminal multiplexer; test management; text mode; thermomagnetic; thinking machine; time multiplexed; timing module; token machine; top-mounted; transfer-matrix method; transfer memory; transfer mode; transition metal; transmission and multiplexing; transmission matrix approach; transmission medium; transparent mode; transport model; transport module; transverse magnetoresistance; transverse magnon; tree machine; triple-metal; trunk mark; trunk master; trunk module
abbr., electr.eng. temperature monitor
abbr., file.ext. EOSAT Landsat Thematic Mapper data file
abbr., forestr. thematic mapper
abbr., genet. transmembrane domain (iwona)
abbr., goldmin. thematic maper (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., IT tape mark; telemonitor; tape module; transverse magnetized; Transaction Model
abbr., manag. Team Management (ZWern)
abbr., meas.inst. thickness measurement (igisheva); thickness monitoring (igisheva)
abbr., med. Temperature; Tubular Maximum Excretory Capacity Of Kidneys; tympanic membrane; maximal tubular excretory capacity of the kidneys; temporomandibular; transmediastinal
abbr., mil. Terrain Masking; tactical missile; target materials; TROPO modem; theater missile; too much (в оценке потерь в ходе интенсивных боёв, когда гибнут взводами и ротами)
abbr., mil., air.def. target map; test module; trunk maintenance
abbr., mil., WMD Army Technical Manual (US); Task Manager
abbr., mol.biol. transmembrane (Игорь_2006)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. medium pressure condensate
abbr., oil time modulation
abbr., polym. technical manual; throughput maximization; tetramethylthiurammonosulphide; trade-mark; transfer molding; twist multiple
abbr., progr. transactional memory (ssn); transaction monitor (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. test model; trial modification
abbr., scottish Technical Maintenance / Manual; Theatre Missile; Telemetry
abbr., soil. termite mound
abbr., tech. turbomachine (MichaelBurov); turbo machine (MichaelBurov); turbo-machine (MichaelBurov); turbine flow meter
abbr., UN threshold monitoring software
abbr., work.fl. translation memory
energ.ind., abbr. testing and maintenance; thermal margin; thermal-mechanical; trade mark
gas.proc., abbr. temperature monitoring
lit., abbr. Toastmaster
meteorol. true mean (value)
meteorol., abbr. temperature maritime air; tropical maritime air
mil. tactical monitor; target marker
mil., abbr. target management; target marking; target missile; team member; technical manager; technical memorandum; temporary mission; test manager; test manual; traffic manager; traffic model; trailer-mounted; training management; training manual; training memorandum; training mission; trench mortar
O&G estimated equivalent first-order lag constant
physiol., abbr. Temperature by mouth
tech., abbr. telemetering, telemetry; temperature, mean; temporary memory; test mode; time meter; time monitor; time multiplexing; tons per minute; top margin; transmitting mirror; transverse-magnetized; true motion radar; tuning meter
Tm abbr.
abbr. thulium
abbr., med. muscle temperature; tubular maximum; tumor-bearing mice
genet. melting temperature (dimock)
TM. abbr.
abbr., lat. Testamentum ("testament")
Tm. adj.
lat. Tantum ("so much", "only")
TM abbr.
abbr. Turing machine; Technical Materials Corp.; technical monograph; true mean value
abbr., avia. test method; thermal model; torque motor; transfer mechanism
abbr., busin. telegram multiple; telegram with multiple address; term; time and materials; ton-mil; total massa; transport maritime
abbr., dril. ton-mile
abbr., earth.sc. mössbauer temperature; tantalum metal; temperature, melting; thermometer; terminal moraine; terrigenous matter; theoretical model; thermal mapper; thermite; threshold modulation; timer; total mineralization; transverse maritime air mass; Transverse Mercator Projection; true mean
abbr., el. transverse magnetic (mode)
abbr., med. transport maximum
abbr., oil tech, service manager; telemetry module; temperature of melting; thermatic mapper; tight matrix; tonemeter; tool module; tracer material; transgressive marine; transmissibility multipliers; ture mean; turbomill; twisting moment
abbr., ophtalm. trabecular meshwork (Баян)
abbr., railw. train master
abbr., space tropical maritime
abbr., tech. thermo-mechanical rolling (thermo-mechanical controlled processing)
abbr., telecom. transverse magnetic mode; transverse magnet
abbr., traf. traffic management (igisheva)
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1