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noun | adjective | to phrases
template ['templɪt] n
comp., MS mall (A file that contains some pre-defined formatting, layout, and/or text and graphics and that serves as the basis for new documents with a similar look or purpose); mall (A file that contains some pre-defined formatting, layout, and/or text and graphics and that serves as the basis for new documents with a similar look or purpose)
mater.sc. fasonmall
templates n
pharma. dokumentmallar; mallar
Templates n
comp., MS Mallar (A button that redirects the user to the Templates section in the Works Task Launcher)
template ['templɪt] adj.
industr., construct. modell; mönster; schablon
met. schablon med indexinställning
 English thesaurus
template ['templɪt] n
mil., logist. Outline or model showing in a sketch, overlay, or chart form the theoretical dispositions, course of actions or combat procedures doctrinal templates.They can be: 1. the local and present situation of the enemy adapted to the terrain situational templates; 2. the probable evolution of this situation template of foreseeable events. (FRA)
Template ['templɪt] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .tml (file name extension); .xlt (file name extension, Microsoft-Excel)
Templates n
comp., abbr. T
: 87 phrases in 11 subjects
Cultural studies2
Earth sciences3
Health care1
Information technology4
Life sciences1
Mechanic engineering5