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noun | noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
cup [kʌp] n
forestr. ringspricka
cup [kʌp] n
agric. kopp
commer. bägare
health., agric., anim.husb. vattenkopp
industr., construct. kupning; kupighet
nat.sc., agric. halvöppen champinjon
cups not of precious metal n
gen. bägare, ej av ädelmetall
cupping ['kʌpɪŋ] v
agric. förberedelser vid kådtappning; kådtäkt
el. bandbuktighet; buktighet
nat.sc., industr., construct. kupning
 English thesaurus
cup [kʌp] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. cuprite
CUP [kʌp] abbr.
abbr. connect under pressure coupling (aharin)
abbr., chem. Cuprammonium silk/rayon/fiber
abbr., econ. comparable uncontrolled price (сопоставимая неконтролируемая цена Viacheslav Volkov)
abbr., el. call user process; cellular unmanned production; communications utility program
abbr., mil., avia. cupboard
cup [kʌp] n
cartogr. cupola
CUP [kʌp] abbr.
abbr. China Union Pay; Conditional Use Permit; Copper Unit of Pressure; Copper Units Of Pressure; Cambridge University Press; Canadian University Press; Columbia University Press; Competitive UPgrade (MS); COMSEC Utility Program; cupboard
abbr., busin. comparable uncontrolled price (kotechek)
abbr., ed. Caring Understanding Partners
abbr., fin. Cuban Peso
abbr., IT Curl Usability Productivity; cursor position
abbr., med. Carcinoma Unknown Primary; cancer of unknown primary (Розмари)
abbr., mil. Common User Products
abbr., oncol., med. Cancer of Unknown Primary
abbr., phys., scient. Copper Units Pressure
abbr., relig. Christ's Unified Praisers
abbr., scottish Capability Upkeep/Upgrade Programme
mil. communications user program; control unit processor; cryptographic utilization program
tech. cask unloading pool
CUP [kʌp] abbr.
abbr. China UnionPay (Artjaazz)
abbr., busin. casting for ultra purity; copper plate
abbr., earth.sc. cascade upraising program; Central Utah Project; computer-aided urban planning system
abbr., IT command line protocol
abbr., oncol. Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (iwona)
: 65 phrases in 15 subjects
Earth sciences14
Health care2
Life sciences4
Materials science1
Mechanic engineering6
Natural sciences1