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wish [wɪʃ] n
gen. 願う ichi1 news2 nf31; 祈る ichi1 news2 nf46; 祷る; 考え ichi1 news1 nf01; 思い ichi1 news1 nf02; 想い; 念い; したがる (to do)
n wish | n [wɪʃ] n
gen. 願い ichi1 news1 nf05; 願意; 望み ichi1 news1 nf10; 願い事; 願いごと; 願事; 欲念; 所願; news1 nf08; ウィッシュ
slang キボンヌ
n one's wishes | n n
gen. 如意; 思うつぼ; 思うツボ; 思う壷; 思う壺
n vs wish | n vs [wɪʃ] n
gen. 希望 ichi1 news1 nf02 (きぼう); 冀望; 志望 news1 nf10
n vs adj-no wish | n vs adj-no [wɪʃ] n
gen. 所望; 願望 ichi1 news1 nf12
n vs hon wish | n vs hon [wɪʃ] n
gen. お願い; 御願い
Wish [wɪʃ] n
gen. ウィッシュ
n wishes | n n
gen. 仰せ (of a superior)
n,vs wish [wɪʃ] n
gen. 祈願 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
 English thesaurus
WISH [wɪʃ] abbr.
abbr. TV-8, Indianapolis, Indiana; Washington Innercity Self Help; Women In The Senate And House; Washington D. C. Invitational Scavenger Hunt; Women In Search Of Heroes
abbr., ed. Washington Invitational Scavenger Hunt; Wayne Initiative For School Health
abbr., inet. Worldgate Internet School To Home; Worldwide Internet Shopping Headquarters
abbr., nautic., scient. Worldwide Integrated Sensor Hydrometeorology
abbr., relig. World Institute Of Self Healing