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to phrases
n adj-no wetland | n adj-no ['wetlǝnd] n
gen. 湿地 news1 nf09 (しつち(・たい)); 沼地 news2 nf43 spec2 (shōchi)
n wetland | n ['wetlǝnd] n
gen. 沼沢地 (shōtakuchi)
n wetlands | n ['wetləndz] n
gen. 湿原 news1 nf14
n adj-no wetlands | n adj-no ['wetləndz] n
gen. 湿地 news1 nf09 (しつち(・たい))
wetland ['wetlǝnd] n
gen. 浅い海 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
: 6 phrases in 1 subject