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weed [wi:d] n
gen. 間引く River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
n weed | n [wi:d] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf06 (kusa); oK; ウィード
n adj-no weed | n adj-no [wi:d] n
gen. 雑草 ichi1 news1 nf17
Weed [wi:d] n
gen. ウィード
 English thesaurus
weed [wi:d] abbr.
abbr. cheech (named from Cheech Marin (from cheech and chong); (to) smoke weed 4uzhoj)
WEED [wi:d] abbr.
abbr. When The Endured End Dies; Womens Enthusiastic Education Development
abbr., ed. Women Enthusiastic Education Development
abbr., UN World Economy Ecology Development