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verb | adjective
vortex ['vɔ:teks] v
phys. うず (うづ)
supercond. フラクソン; 渦糸 (uzuito); 磁束線 (ぢそくせん)
tech. (uzu); ポーテックス
n vortex | n ['vɔ:teks] v
gen. news1 nf16 (uzu); 渦中 news1 nf18; 渦動 (かどう); 渦流 (karyū); か流; ボーテックス (bōtekkusu); ボルテックス (borutekkusu)
 English thesaurus
vortex ['vɔ:teks] abbr.
abbr. vort
VORTEX ['vɔ:teks] abbr.
abbr., el. Varian omnitask real-time executive
meteorol., scient. Verification of the Origins of Rotation Experiment
ocean., nautic., scient. Verification of the Origin of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment