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to phrases
upper ['ʌpə] n
gen. 上下界定理 Engineering and Science Technical Dictionary (James Friend) ; 上下界法 Engineering and Science Technical Dictionary (James Friend)
obs. 大き; io
n upper | n ['ʌpə] n
gen. アッパー gai1; シャブ
n n-pref upper | n n-pref ['ʌpə] n
gen. (sei)
n pref upper | n pref ['ʌpə] n
gen. (あがり)
pref upper | pref ['ʌpə] n
obs. 大い
 English thesaurus
upper ['ʌpə] abbr.
abbr. up
abbr., avia. UPPR; UPR
law stimulant narcotic
upper: 1 phrase in 1 subject