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adverb | abbreviation
UN [ʌn] adv.
gen. 国際連合 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
Un [ʌn] adv.
gen. (unclass); (unclass)
given. ウン
names, surn.
surn. (kumo); ; (gen);
pref un- | pref adv.
gen. ichi1; ; ; ;
n UN | n [ʌn] adv.
gen. UN; 国連 ichi1 news1 nf01
aux un- | aux adv.
obs. ざる literary form of -ない
 English thesaurus
UN ['ju: 'en] abbr.
abbr. University of Nevada
abbr., avia. unable; upstream node
abbr., busin. under band; under pay; under rate; under selling; under mortgage; usefulness
abbr., comp., net. integrated intelligent network
abbr., earth.sc. University of Utah; unnamed
abbr., oil urea nitrate; utilizable nitrogen
un ['ju: 'en] abbr.
abbr., busin. university
abbr., earth.sc. undulatus
abbr., oil unit
un. abbr.
abbr. unified; united
UN ['ju: 'en] abbr.
abbr. Dun & Bradstreet; Uneducated Nations; United Nation; United Nothing; Unwanted Nobodies; Useless Nations; Useless Nuts; Usually Nothing; Ugly Nipples; Ugly Nookie; Un Nutted; Unanimously Neglectful; Unbalanced Normal; Unbelievably Nasty; Uneducated Nitwits; unified; United Nuzum; Unlimited Nervousness; Unorganized Neophytes; Unrepentant Nuisances; Unwritten Noses; Useless Nitwits
abbr., automat. unified fine thread
abbr., avia. unable, the flight does not operate; Transaero Airlines
abbr., dipl. United UNO
abbr., econ. United Nations (Organization)
abbr., ed., scient. The Uniformity Of Nature
abbr., el. unipolar navigation; unit number; user name
abbr., electr.eng. urban network
abbr., fant./sci-fi. United Network
abbr., fin. Fund Office in the United Nations
abbr., inet. Ure Next; Utterly Non
abbr., IT Utter Nonsense
abbr., law Unknown Nationality
abbr., med. Ulnar Nerve; Undernourished; Unilateral Neglect; Updraft Nebulizer; Urea Nitrogen; Urinary Nitrogen; Un Necessary
abbr., mil. delivery vehicle; Department of Humanitarian Affairs; Department of Peacekeeping Operations
abbr., nucl.pow. uranium nitride (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil unclassified well
abbr., physiol., med. Ulnar nerve; Uranyl Nitrate
abbr., plast. Universal Number
abbr., railw. User Number
abbr., st.exch. Unilever, N. V.
polit., afr. United Nations
tradem. Univac
Un ['ju: 'en] abbr.
abbr., med. undulated
abbr., oil union
-UN abbr.
abbr., el. United Nations
Un. adv.
law union