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to be in high spirits
gen. 入れ込む; 舞い上がる news2 nf43; 舞上がる; 舞い上る; 舞上る
v5r to be in high spirits | v5r
gen. 張り切る ichi1 news2 nf40; 逸る
v5g vi uk to be in high spirits | v5g vi uk
gen. 燥ぐ ichi1
v5m to be in high spirits | v5m
gen. 勇む news2 nf45 spec2
exp v5k to be in high spirits | exp v5k
gen. 意気天を衝く
v5m vi to be in high spirits | v5m vi
gen. 喜び勇む
v5t vi to be in high spirits | v5t vi
gen. 勇み立つ
exp v5r to be in high spirits | exp v5r
gen. 意気が揚がる
to be in
: 2 phrases in 1 subject