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tin [tɪn] n
construct. (すづ)
n tin | n [tɪn] n
gen. ateji ichi1 news1 nf06 (かん); ateji oK (かま); ateji
n TIN | n [tɪn] n
gen. 納税者証明番号
n uk tin | n uk [tɪn] n
gen. news1 nf17 (Sn, すづ)
 English thesaurus
tin [tɪn] abbr.
abbr., AmE can (брит. Bobrovska)
TIN [tɪn] abbr.
abbr. Taxpayer Identification Number; Trade Identification Number; Telephone Identification Number (телефонный идентификационный номер Andrey250780); Transfer of Innovation Technologies; tax payer’s identification number; Tax Identification Number
abbr., auto. Tire Identification Number
abbr., avia. Tindouf, Algeria
abbr., comp., net., IT Terminal Indicate Number; Triangulated Irregular Network
abbr., dril. trip in hole (MichaelBurov)
abbr., EBRD taxpayer identification number (raf)
abbr., el. time-invariant network; timer input (select); transmission identification number
abbr., file.ext. Temperature Independent
abbr., inet. Threaded Interactive Newsreader; Time Is Now
abbr., IT Tin Isn'ta Newsreader
abbr., law, ADR taxpayer’s identification number
abbr., mil. Triangular Irregular Network; Triangulated Internal Network
abbr., oil triangulated irregular network
abbr., physiol., med. Three times a night; Tincture
abbr., progr., IT Tass Iain's Newsreader; Threaded Interface To Notes; Threaded Internet Newsreader
abbr., st.exch. Temple Inland, Inc.; Traded Item Number
abbr., survey. triangular irregular network (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tax. taxpayer identification number (MichaelBurov); Tax I.D. (ИНН в РФ Ker-online)
abbr., water.suppl. Total Inorganic Nitrogen
mil. target indication number; task implementation notice; temporary identification number; temporary instruction notice
O&G tracking signal input terminal
TiN [tɪn] abbr.
abbr. TiNite (MichaelBurov); titanium nitride (MichaelBurov)
Tin [tɪn] abbr.
abbr., scottish Sn