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there [ðeə] adv.
gen. 其方 ichi1 (place distant from the speaker, close to the listener); 彼方 ichi1 news2 nf28 (place distant from both speaker and listener)
obs. 其れ ichi1 (indicating a place near the listener); io (indicating a place near the listener)
n there | n [ðeə] adv.
gen. 彼の地; その場; 其の場
obs. 其処許; 其許
pn adj-no uk there | pn adj-no uk [ðeə] adv.
gen. 彼処 ichi1 (place physically distant from both speaker and listener); 彼所 (place physically distant from both speaker and listener)
int there! | int adv.
gen. そら; それ (used to call someone's attention to something)
n uk there | n uk [ðeə] adv.
gen. 其処 spec1 (place relatively near listener)
adj-pn uk arch there | adj-pn uk arch [ðeə] adv.
gen. 其処な
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there [ðeə] abbr.
abbr. tr