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synopsis [sɪ'nɔpsɪs] adj.
gen. 素描 news2 nf31 spec2
n synopsis | n [sɪ'nɔpsɪs] adj.
gen. シノプシス; 概要 news1 nf11 (がいよう); 筋書き news1 nf20; 筋書; 大意
n vs synopsis | n vs [sɪ'nɔpsɪs] adj.
gen. 解題 news2 nf47; 略筆
 English thesaurus
synopsis [sɪ'nɔpsɪs] abbr.
abbr. synop
cinema A summary of the major plot points and characters of a script, generally in a page or two. Contrast with treatment.