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noun | verb | to phrases
suppressing n
gen. セーブ gai1
n suppressing | n n
gen. 鎮め
suppress [sə'pres] v
gen. 飲む ichi1 news2 nf35; 呑む news2 nf40; 飮む oK; 服む 呑む is often used metaphorically; 服む is often used for medicine ik; 押さえ込む news2 nf46; 押え込む; 押さえこむ; 禁ずる ichi1 news2 nf33; 止める ichi1 (a cough); 留める (a cough); 停める esp. 止める, 停める (a cough); もみ消す; 揉み消す; 揉消す; 押さえつける (feelings, disorder, opposition, etc.); 抑えつける (feelings, disorder, opposition, etc.); 押えつける (feelings, disorder, opposition, etc.); 押さえ付ける (feelings, disorder, opposition, etc.); 押え付ける (feelings, disorder, opposition, etc.); 抑え付ける (feelings, disorder, opposition, etc.); 押さえる ichi1 news1 nf08; 抑える ichi1 news1 nf04 (おさえる); 押える esp. 押さえる (おさえる); 静める news2 nf45 spec2; 鎮める ichi1; 断つ ichi1 news1 nf18 (たつ); 絶つ ichi1; 截つ; 斷つ oK; 禁ず; 退治る
 English thesaurus
suppress [sə'pres] v
law stop or put an end to someone's activities. See also EXCLUSIONARY RULE
: 11 phrases in 2 subjects