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suit [s(j)u:t] n
gen. 気に入る ichi1 news2 nf42; 気にいる; 合う ichi1 news1 nf08; 似合う ichi1 news2 nf25; 似付く; 似つく; 釣り合う ichi1; つり合う; 釣合う; 適する ichi1 news2 nf35; 落ち着く ichi1; 落ちつく news2 nf36; 落着く; 落ち付く; 落付く; 適す; 心に染む; 心にかなう; 心に適なう; 心に叶う; 気に染む
law 訴え (うったえ) Japanese Law Translation Database System ; 訴訟 (そしょう) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n suit | n [s(j)u:t] n
gen. スーツ gai1 ichi1; 一重ね; 一揃い; 一揃え; 揃い; スート (playing cards, tarot, etc.); 組札 (of cards)
n suits | n n
gen. メンズスーツ (for men); メンズ・スーツ (for men)
Suits n
gen. スーツ (unclass)
 English thesaurus
suit [s(j)u:t] n
law legal proceedings; action to secure justice in a court of law; Any proceeding by one person or persons against another in a court of law
law, abbr. s.
SUIT [s(j)u:t] abbr.
abbr. Mens Wearhouse, Inc.
abbr., BrE sight unit infantry
abbr., progr., IT Sysman User Interface Toolkit
abbr., scottish Sights, Unit, Infantry, Trilux (UK)
tech. sight unit infantry Trilux