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noun | verb
strike [straɪk] n
gen. 打付ける ichi1 (hard); 打ち付ける (hard); 打ちつける (hard); 引っ叩く; 引っぱたく; 引っ張たく ik; 殴り付ける; 殴りつける; 殴る ichi1 news1 nf11; 擲る; 撲る; 掘り当てる news2 nf46; 掘当てる; 擦り付ける (a match); 擦りつける (a match); すり付ける (a match); 摩り付ける (a match); 摺り付ける (a match); 摩りつける (a match); 擦付ける (a match); 襲う ichi1 news1 nf07; 挿す; 打ち出す news1 nf11 (a drum indicating the end of a performance); 打出す (a drum indicating the end of a performance); ぶっ飛ばす (as to send flying); 打っ飛ばす (as to send flying); 打つ also written as 拍つ, 搏つ, 撲つ, 擣つ ichi1 news1 nf06 (うつ); 叩きつける; 叩き付ける; たたき付ける; 叩く ichi1 (はたく); 敲く; 当たり ichi1 news1 nf07 (あたり); 当り ichi1 (あたり); 中り; 中たり; 当たる ichi1 news2 nf35; 当る; 中る; 中たる; 突く ichi1; 衝く; 撞く; 捺く; 伐つ; 落雷 news2 nf25 spec2 (lightning, らくらい); 擦る ichi1 news2 nf36 (match); 摩る (match); 磨る (match); 擂る (match); 打ち掛かる (at); 根付く news2 nf40; 根づく; しばく (with a stick, whip, etc.); 叩き合う (each other); 叩き会う ik (each other); 打って掛かる; 打っ込む; どやし付ける; 打ち込む (うちこむ); ぶち込む; 打っ付ける; 走向 (sōkō) Geological Terms Dictionary (Bruce Bain and Leslie Oberman)
n strike | n [straɪk] n
gen. 争議 ichi1 news1 nf21; 打撃 ichi1 news1 nf03 (だげき); 同盟罷業 (どうめいひぎょう); 罷業 (ひぎょう); 労働争議 news2 nf33; 争議行為; 魚信; 受け壺; 受壺 (うけつぼ); 打突 (kendo)
abbr. スト gai1 ichi1 (i.e. industrial action)
sport. ストライク gai1 (e.g. in baseball, bowling, sutoraiku)
n-suf n-pref strike | n-suf n-pref [straɪk] n
gen. 当て ichi1 news1 nf15 (あて); ichi1; 宛て
n vs strike | n vs [straɪk] n
gen. ストライキ gai1 ichi1 (i.e. industrial action); 殴打 news1 nf24; 攻撃 ichi1 news1 nf01 (こうげき)
Strike [straɪk] n
gen. ストライク (unclass, sutoraiku)
 English thesaurus
strike [straɪk] n
law dismiss an allegation before sentencing; A serious violent felony prior conviction that is charged as a prior allegation, e.g. a second strike, or third strike
mil., logist. An attack which is intended to inflict damage on, seize, or destroy an objective. (FRA)
USA An attack to damage or destroy an objective or a capability. (JP 3-0)
STRIKE [straɪk] abbr.
abbr., ed. Student Tobacco Reform Initiative Knowledge For Eternity; Systematically Tracking Results Integrating Knowledge Effectively
Strike [straɪk] n
sport., abbr. S
strike [straɪk] v
law delete or remove