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noun | verb
n vs squatting | n vs ['skwɔtiŋ] n
gen. 下座 news2 nf39 (げざ); えんこ; ヤンキー座り (usu. with elbows on knees and often while smoking, typically considered a low-class posture); ヤンキー座 io (usu. with elbows on knees and often while smoking, typically considered a low-class posture)
squat [skwɔt] v
gen. しゃがむ ichi1; 座る ichi1 news2 nf25; 坐る; 据わる; 据る io; 蹲る ichi1; 踞る; しゃがみ込む; 蹲み込む; 座する; 坐する; 座す; 坐す; 蹲む; 躊む; 蹲う; 踞う
n squat | n [skwɔt] v
gen. スクワット
 English thesaurus
squat [skwɔt] v
invect. to take a squat
SQuat [skwɔt] v
unit.meas., abbr. SQ
SQUAT [skwɔt] v
mil. ship qualification test