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noun | verb | to phrases
split [splɪt] n
gen. 引き裂く ichi1; 引裂く io ichi1; 引きさく; 割る ichi1 news2 nf26 (わる); 割れる ichi1 (われる); 破れる; 断ち割る; 裁ち割る; 截ち割る; 切り崩す news2 nf31 spec2 (the opposition); 切れる ichi1; 張り裂ける; 張裂ける; 分ける ichi1 news1 nf05 (into); 別ける (into); 裂ける ichi1; 劈く; 爆ぜる; 罅ぜる; 分かれる ichi1 news1 nf10; 分れる also written as 岐れる; 打ち割る (by striking); 削げる; 殺げる; 割木 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS 分割する (To divide an audio or video clip into two clips)
n split | n [splɪt] n
gen. スプリット gai1; 破れ目; 破局 ichi1 news1 nf19 (friends, lovers, etc.); ; 割れ目 ichi1 news2 nf29 (wareme); 割目 io (わりめ); 破目 not ワレメ io; 割り目
n uk split | n uk [splɪt] n
gen. ichi1; ;
Split [splɪt] n
gen. スプリト (unclass)
geogr. スプリット (Croatia)
n vs split | n vs [splɪt] n
gen. 分裂 ichi1 news1 nf04 (bunretsu)
 English thesaurus
SPLIT [splɪt] abbr.
abbr., el. space programming language implementation tool; standard processing language internally translated
split [splɪt] v
slang leave (It is time to split and go see the movie)
SPLIT [splɪt] v
O&G split control signal distribution block
: 2 phrases in 1 subject