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sludge [slʌʤ] n
gen. 汚泥 (odei) Environmental Terminology Glossary (Patrick Oblander)
construct. ヘドロ (hedoro)
isol. 不純物 (fujunbutsu)
n sludge | n [slʌʤ] n
gen. ヘドロ gai1 (hedoro); へどろ; 沈殿物 (chindenbutsu); 沈澱物; 軟泥 (なんでい); セジメント; スラッジ (surajji); 底質 (ていしつ)
med. 沈渣
n uk sludge | n uk [slʌʤ] n
gen. 泥濘
 English thesaurus
SLUDGE [slʌʤ] abbr.
abbr., med. Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastrointestinal Upset, Emesis; Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastrointestinal Distress and Emesis (iwona)
abbr., physiol. Salivation Lacrimation Urination Defecation Gastrointestinal distress Emesis descriptions of the parasympathetic nervous system