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signature ['sɪgnɔʧə] n
gen. オリジナル gai1; 符号数 (ふごうすう) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
comp., MS 定義 (A unique algorithm or static hash value used to identify a specific instance of malicious code or potentially unwanted software, teigi); 署名 (Data that binds a sender's identity to the information being sent. A digital signature may be bundled with any message, file, or other digitally encoded information, or transmitted separately. Digital signatures are used in public key environments and provide authentication and integrity services, しょめい); シグネチャ (The list of types involved in the definition of a method, field, property, or local variable. For a method, the signature includes its name, number of parameters and their types, the type it returns (if any), and its calling convention (default or vararg). The signature for a property is similar to that of a method. The signature for fields and local variables is simply their type (for example, array [0..5] of int))
construct. 署名 (しょめい)
n vs signature | n vs ['sɪgnɔʧə] n
gen. サイン gai1 ichi1 (sain); 記帳 news1 nf24 (きちょう); 調印 ichi1 news1 nf04 (ちょういん); 落款; 自署
n signature | n ['sɪgnɔʧə] n
gen. シグナチャー gai1; シグネチャー; 記名 news2 nf26
n-t signature | n-t ['sɪgnɔʧə] n
gen. 花押 news2 nf37 (not stamp)
 English thesaurus
signature ['sɪgnɔʧə] abbr.
abbr. s
abbr., polygr. sig
invest., abbr. sg
law, abbr. s.; sg.; sig.; sign.
mil., abbr. sgnr