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n shot | n [ʃɔt] n
gen. ショット gai1 (in films, shotto); 一発 news1 nf07; 散弾 news2 nf28; 霰弾; 弾丸 news1 nf20 (だんがん)
shot [ʃɔt] n
tech. ショット (shotto)
n shots | n n
gen. 予防注射 (よぼう・ちゅうしゃ); 砲丸
n adj-no shot | n adj-no [ʃɔt] n
gen. 映像 ichi1 news1 nf02 (えいぞう)
 English thesaurus
SHOT [ʃɔt] abbr.
abbr. Society for the History of Technology; Securing Healthy Occupations Together
abbr., el. special hybrid optical terminal
abbr., med. Severe Hazards Of Transfusion; Serious Hazards of Transfusion (ZarinD)
abbr., mil. Executed Without a Trial
abbr., sport. Shooting Hunting And Outdoor Trade
abbr., tradem. Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade
abbr., vet.med., med. Stock Horse Of Texas
shot [ʃɔt] n
cinema A continuous block of unedited footage from a single point of view. See also scene, take, frame rate.
mil., abbr. so
slang try (I'll give the puzzle another shot)
SHOTS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. acquisition telescope; stabilized high-accuracy optical tracking system