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shortcut ['ʃɔːtkʌt, 'ʃɔːrt-] v
comp., MS ショートカット (A link to any item accessible on your computer or on a network, such as a program or application, file, folder, disk drive, printer, or another computer. You can put shortcuts in various areas, such as on the desktop, on the Start menu, or in specific folders)
n shortcut | n ['ʃɔːtkʌt, 'ʃɔːrt-] v
gen. 捷径; 便法 news2 nf43; 間道; 早道 news2 nf31
obs. 側道 (そくどう)
n vs shortcut | n vs ['ʃɔːtkʌt, 'ʃɔːrt-] v
gen. ショート・カット; 近道 ichi1 news1 nf24; 近路