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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
sex [seks] n
gen. ichi1 (ぢんせい); 性的 ichi1 news1 nf11; 突っ込み news2 nf30; 突っこみ; 性交 (せいこう) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
n sex | n [seks] n
gen. 営み news1 nf19 (いとなみ); 性別 ichi1 news1 nf09; 房事
slang セクロス from セックス and ラクロス (as a sport); セックル
Sex [seks] n
comp., MS セクシャル (A content descriptor developed by the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (CERO)); (A content descriptor developed by the Pan European Gaming Information (PEGI) and the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), ぢんせい)
n on-mim sl sex | n on-mim sl [seks] n
gen. ギシギシアンアン
n vs sex | n vs [seks] n
slang ギシアン
 English thesaurus
SEX [seks] abbr.
abbr. Speaker- Evaluator eXchange; Sensual Erotic X; Sucking Electric X; sub-exciter
abbr., avia. Sembach, Germany
abbr., el. subexciter
abbr., inet. Secret Entertainment eXtreme; South Eastern Xtreme
abbr., mus. Scientific Experimental Xylophone
abbr., progr. software exchange (ssn)
SEx [seks] abbr.
abbr., electric. sub exciter
sex [seks] abbr.
abbr. sextet; sexual
abbr., fig. home run (Andrey Truhachev)
slang "Seconal" (a kind of downer Interex)
Sex [seks] abbr.
lat. Sextant (Секстант Vosoni)
Sex. abbr.
lat. Sextus (a common Roman forename)
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects