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severity [sɪ'verɪtɪ] n
comp., MS 重大度 (In Server Manager and Event Viewer, the urgency of an event or error condition, system fault, failure, or action by either the system or the user. Severity can be any of four industry-standard values: Information, Warning, Error, or Critical. These values are defined in the Event Viewer Help); 重要度 (The property of an alert indicating its seriousness. Examples include Service Unavailable, Security Issue, Critical Error, Error, Warning, Information, and Success)
adj-na n severity | adj-na n [sɪ'verɪtɪ] n
gen. 厳酷; 厳粛 news1 nf16; 酷烈; 過酷 news1 nf11; 苛酷; 激甚 news2 nf32 spec2; 劇甚; 峻烈
n severity | n [sɪ'verɪtɪ] n
gen. 感度 news1 nf23 (quake, kando); 熾烈; し烈; 厳しさ news1 nf08; 重症度 (of an illness)
comp. 緊急度
n adj-na severity | n adj-na [sɪ'verɪtɪ] n
gen. 激烈 news2 nf25; 劇烈
n yoji severity | n yoji [sɪ'verɪtɪ] n
gen. 秋霜烈日
 English thesaurus
severity [sɪ'verɪtɪ] abbr.
abbr. sev