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seizure ['si:ʒə] n
gen. 焼付き (yakitsuki) Engineering and Science Technical Dictionary (James Friend) ; てんかん発作 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
n vs seizure | n vs ['si:ʒə] n
gen. 横取り ichi1 news2 nf42; 強奪 news2 nf29 spec2; 収用 news1 nf17; 捕獲 news1 nf12 (hokaku); 捕捉; 捕そく; 拿捕 (だほ); だ捕; 拏捕; 鹵獲
law 強取
n seizure | n ['si:ʒə] n
gen. 差し押さえ news2 nf27; 差押え (さしおさえ); 差し押え; 差押さえ; 差押 io; 手捕り
n vs adj-no seizure | n vs adj-no ['si:ʒə] n
gen. 押収 news1 nf18 (おうしゅう); 没収 news1 nf23 (ぼっしゅう)
med. 発作 ichi1 news1 nf10
n n-suf vs seizure | n n-suf vs ['si:ʒə] n
gen. ジャック gai1 (jakku)
 English thesaurus
seizure ['si:ʒə] abbr.
abbr. sz
seizures n
USA In counterdrug operations, includes drugs and conveyances seized by law enforcement authorities and drug-related assets confiscated based on evidence that they have been derived from or used in illegal narcotics activities (JP 3-07.4) see also counterdrug operations, law enforcement agency