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noun | abbreviation
search [sɜ:ʧ] n
gen. 手配 ichi1 news1 nf17 (by police, てはい); 尋ねる ichi1 news2 nf27; 訊ねる; 調べる ichi1 news2 nf42; 探す ichi1 news1 nf16 (for something desired, needed); 捜す esp. 探す ichi1 news2 nf36 (for something desired, needed); 探りを入れる; 身体検査 (しんたい・けんさ); がさる (esp. a home in a police search); 捜索する Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
comp., MS 検索する (To try to locate an object (a file, a folder, a computer, a text)); 検索 (A search feature associated with folders and programs that begins to display results as soon as a keyword is entered. When you enter text, files in the current view are automatically filtered to show only those that match what you typed, けんさく)
obs. 尋ぬ
phys. 探索 (たんさく)
slang ヤフる (using the Yahoo search engine)
n vs search | n vs [sɜ:ʧ] n
gen. サーチ gai1 (sāchi); 詮索; 捜索 ichi1 news1 nf05 (esp. for someone or something missing, そうさく); 探求 news1 nf24; 探索 news2 nf27 spec2 (たんさく)
n search | n [sɜ:ʧ] n
gen. 追求 ichi1 news1 nf14; クエスト
n vs adj-no search | n vs adj-no [sɜ:ʧ] n
gen. 捜査 ichi1 news1 nf01 (esp. in criminal investigations)
n obsc sl search | n obsc sl [sɜ:ʧ] n
gen. がさり (esp. a home search by the police)
Search [sɜ:ʧ] n
comp., MS 検索 (A search feature associated with folders and programs that begins to display results as soon as a keyword is entered. When you enter text, files in the current view are automatically filtered to show only those that match what you typed, けんさく)
 English thesaurus
search [sɜ:ʧ] abbr.
abbr., austral., slang fossick
abbr., IT srch
mil., abbr. sch
USA A systematic reconnaissance of a defined area, so that all parts of the area have passed within visibility (JP 3-50)
SEARCH [sɜ:ʧ] abbr.
abbr. Seek Evaluate Analyze Research Challenge And Hypothesize; Self Employed Arts Related Contractors For Hire; Supernatural Entity Anomaly Research & Cryptid Hunters; system evaluation and reliability checker SEARAM, semiactive radar missile; System for Electronic Analysis and Retrieval of Criminal Histories
abbr., ed. Students Excited About Reaching Challenging Heights; Students Experiencing Appropriate Research And Creative Happenings
abbr., ed., scient. Scan, Examine, Act, Review, Connect, And Hunt
abbr., el. system evaluation and reliability checker
abbr., environ. Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resource Clearing House
abbr., health., med. Screening Elders To Access Referrals Care And Health
abbr., IT Search Envisioned As Relation And Class Hierarchizing
abbr., lab.eq. Scan, Examine, Act, Review, Connect, and Hunt
abbr., law Sexism Ethnicity Ageism Racism Culturalism And Homophobia
abbr., relig. Seeking Employment And Renewing Christian Hope; South East Area Rochester Churches For Habitat
mil. system evaluation and reliability checker
ocean., nautic., scient. Study of Environmental Arctic Change
SEARCH [sɜ:ʧ] abbr.
abbr., busin. systematic evaluation analysis of reliability and challenge