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verb | noun
scrap [skræp] v
gen. 反故にする; 反古にする; ichi1 news1 nf05 (はした); 潰しにする; 爪の垢
comp., MS スクラップ (An application or system file maintained for storing data that has been marked for movement, copying, or deletion, sukurappu); 仕損 (Waste that occurs during the manufacturing process)
construct. ぼろ (ぼろ); 襤褸 (ぼろ); スクラップ (sukurappu)
n scrap | n [skræp] v
gen. 切れ ichi1 (kire); 切り抜き news1 nf23 (for a scrapbook); 切抜き (for a scrapbook, きりぬき); 端くれ
n pref scrap | n pref [skræp] v
gen. 襤褸 (ぼろ); 藍褸
n adj-f uk scrap | n adj-f uk [skræp] v
gen. ichi1 (くず)
n adj-no scrap | n adj-no [skræp] v
gen. 廃物 news2 nf40 (haibutsu)
 English thesaurus
SCRAP [skræp] abbr.
abbr., el. series computation of reliability and probability
mil. supercaliber rocket-assisted projectile